The only real-life sized labyrinth you actually have to walk through to solve as fast as you can!
A real maze is one you have to actually walk through.
A real AR maze is one where you can't walk through the walls, even if they're virtual ones.
A good maze is one that lets you freeze the maze and move it elsewhere to overcome obstacles in your real environment (this lets you play anywhere, even inside!)
A fun maze is one that gives you power-ups, like:
- temporarily removing all internal walls and letting you run through, hoping you won't end up somewhere worse - only available when you're not too close to the end
- leaving bread crumbs wherever you already passed through so you won't try the same route twice
- letting you break any wall at will so you could cross at that point
- temporarily viewing the whole maze from above to try and remember the right path
A surprising maze game is one where the maze itself is built on the fly so you can play the same level over and over again. The size and difficulty will be the same, but the path will always be different.
A challenging maze is one where sometimes the walls are higher or narrower and sometimes you get penalized for touching the walls.
A cool maze is one where some levels have interesting lighting such as a flashlight in the dark or moving colored lights.
An entertaining maze is one that plays original immersive music all along.
An awesome maze is one that has all of the above!
Coming up in a future upgrade:
- save a maze you liked to replay again later or send to a friend
Note that AR games have a high energy usage so it's best to start playing with a high battery charge.