Build Army Lists and Compare Stats across factions, units, models, weapons, spells, and abilities!
Have you ever wondered if its better to include one unit over another in your army list? Now you can easily duplicate an armylist, make small changes and compare the aggregate stats between lists!
Have you ever wondered what unit in your faction can take the most amount of damage per point? Want to know if it is more efficient to take a support hero for your unit, or simply more models? Want to know how much damage your alpha-strike-combo deals against different targets at different ranges?
Now you can find out!
This tool allows you to quickly calculate the damage output of an offensive profile (weapon/spell/ability), or construct entire factions, with multiple units and combos, see statistics and compare point efficiencies across them.
Additionally, all factions have been preloaded as templates, so you don't have to enter anything yourself!
The tool has four Modules:
1. Scoreboards:
Keep track of Battle Tactics, Points, Rules and Turns when playing games.
2. Army Builder:
You can create entire army lists with traits, battalions etc., and compare them to each other. Army Lists sum the stats of all the units in it automatically, allowing for an easy way of tweaking your army lists and making small incremental changes.
You can export your army lists to normal text format as well.
3. Combat Statistics:
This module allows you to create multiple faction profiles, either from a preloaded template or an empty one, to which you can add, delete, edit and duplicate Combat Profiles. A Combat Profile could be a unit of 5 Liberators, or maybe 5 Liberators, and a Lord-Celestant if you want to find out if a specific combo is beneficial.
You can then compare different units and combos across the faction to find out what is the most efficient on different stats.
For e.g. what unit gives the most amount of damage against a 2+ Save per point? -or maybe against a 5+ Save at a range of 18''? - and even compare toughness.
4. Search Module
You can search for units in the app, either your own creations or standard warscrolls, and quickly find their stats and characteristics.
The tool is designed to be able to model almost any unit in the game. Please feel free to provide any feedback you feel like sharing so we can improve the tool together!