The Dunkin’ Rewards App allows you to earn points and redeem rewards, catch our daily exclusive deals, discover new products we add to our menu, share your feedback, and in case you need to visit us or get in touch, it helps you find the closest Dunkin’ branch to you.
Once you’ve joined, you’ll immediately receive the following benefits: • Get 500 points as soon as you register to our loyalty program. • Earn 10 points for every 1 AED you spend in our stores on any item at any Dunkin’ UAE branch. Those points can then be redeemed for a variety of free menu items anytime you want. • Unlock rewards starting at 600 points, and check your points balance online anytime through the app. • Receive a Birthday Reward as our special gift to you! Just keep in mind that to qualify for the Birthday Reward, you must join the program at least a month prior to your birthday. • And finally, enjoy special member offers and daily deals that you’ll see on the Dunkin’ App and which registered users will receive through email or push notifications.
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