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Bridge: Rubber Bridge!

Bridge: Rubber Bridge!

1.0 by Bridge: partnership card game
(0 Reviews) March 14, 2025
Bridge: Rubber Bridge! Bridge: Rubber Bridge! Bridge: Rubber Bridge! Bridge: Rubber Bridge! Bridge: Rubber Bridge!

Latest Version

March 14, 2025
Bridge: partnership card game
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88.2 MB
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More About Bridge: Rubber Bridge!

Bridge card game is a fun-filled game that keeps you entertained while challenging your mind! Enjoy a clean user-interface for gameplay your way.
Game of Bridge is played with a standard deck of 52 cards. Four players play in partnerships, with partners sitting opposite each other.

The objective of Bridge card game is when a rubber is completed, that is when one team becomes first to win two games, each game presenting a score of 100 or more contract points.

Each player gets 13 cards. The deal rotates clockwise after each hand until the rubber is completed.

The contract to be played is determined by an auction in which the players bid for the number of tricks they will make with the trump suit or no trumps. A bid consists of the number of tricks a team will win over 6 tricks.

Once the contract has been decided, the player of the winning pair who first mentioned the denomination of the contract becomes declarer. The opening lead is made by the player to the declarer's left. Declarer’s partner then lays down their hand face up on the table as a dummy. Each player, in turn, plays a card to the trick and they must play a card of the suit led if they have one. A player who has no cards of the suit led may play any card either discarding or trumping. A trick is won by the highest card of the suit led unless trumps are played when the highest trump wins. The winner of the trick leads to the next trick.

When it comes to scoring in Bridge, each winning bid's value is scored "Below the line". Overtricks, bonuses, and Penalties are scored "Above the line".

Once a team reaches 100 points "Below the line", the game ends and a new one begins, with a new line drawn underneath all previous points.

Bridge is a trick-taking game. It is a tough and enjoyable game for players of all ages.

Whether you are new to the game of Bridge or want to challenge your skills even further, now you can enjoy Bridge card game no matter where you are in the world!

Heard of Bridge card game but never tried playing? Have fun learning all about this popular card game that you can play right from your device! Need a bridge card game to free your stress?

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Bridge Features

1. Create Private Room and Invite Friends and Family
2. True multiplayer where you can play with real people online in online player mode.
3. Adaptable intelligence with smart AI when playing against computer
4. Play with players across the world
5. Ton of Achievements.
6. Get free coins by Spin and Watching Video.

Download Bridge Card game for your phone and tablets today and have endless hours of fun.

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