Ancient Egyptians mummified and preserved their bodies because they believed they would one day live again. Return their Ka and breathe life back into these ancient characters so they can rise up, run, dance, and frolic again. All you have to do is play the game to give them another chance to live in this world.
Marvel at the graphic design and craftsmanship of Egyptian hieroglyphics and hand painted papyrus. Doesn't it look like a platform game? It’s mind blowing to imagine they knew this day was coming, thousands and thousands of years ago. Amazing!
The game play of Papyrus Underworld is simple enough. Tap and Double Tap to hop over obstacles so the Goddess Isis can lead Queen Nefertari to her never ending banquet in Eternity.
Find the secret passage from the Temple into the Underworld while collecting 10,000 Ankh to unlock the Tomb of Doom Bonus Level. From there find your way to Eternity where the party never ends.
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